In our journey through life, we encounter countless experiences and challenges that shape who we are. While external factors certainly influence us, it is crucial to recognize that taking responsibility for ourselves

In our journey through life, we encounter countless experiences and challenges that shape who we are. While external factors certainly influence us, it is crucial to recognize that taking responsibility for ourselves
I have been thinking of writing this post for the last couple of weeks ever since someone bought my iced tea in the Starbucks drive through. It put a huge smile on my face and the feeling lasted for quite some time. I have had this happen before and I had the same response. I have even been the giver many times before and this gave me as much joy as being the receiver.
We all look to live a happy life. Some want a life full of peace, joy, and love. We all wish to be confident, balanced, and fulfilled in our lives. We want purposeful and abundant lives.
Did you know that when there is stress it is usually carried in our bodies somewhere? Not only that but it can create health issues and sometimes these issues can play a role in how we function daily in our lives.These issues can wreak havoc in our minds and our bodies if we let it or we can find ways to release the stress and incorporate these into our daily practice so we can live much more balanced lives.
How many times have you begun a program to lose weight and become healthier only to stop and lose the progress that you made? I think we all have done this and when trying to return to the program it gets harder and harder the longer you stay away. I know this because this has been a hard place for me. Read More
Do you live your life mindfully? Do you know what it means to live mindfully?Well, not everyone does so I will give you a great place to begin to work on living a mindful life.
We all have neglected ourselves at one time or another or even maybe most of the time. We get so busy taking care of everyone else, our jobs, families, and our homes that we forget our own self care. Life gets crazy sometimes if you allow it. It especially gets out of sorts if you are also battling other life changes as well.
Today I am going to share a little bit of the last six years of my life, how I have redirected my focus to my own self growth, and how I am creating a new life to be all that I can be. I’ll try not to make it to lengthy. My children are raised, my husband left, and I have actually survived.