
When life throws you a curve ball

Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball and this can cause us to take a tumble. When we fall we may feel many emotions that are uncomfortable. I say feel those emotions but don’t stay there.

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A smile can make a world of difference

Did you know that a smile can make all the difference in the world to you and to others? Also did you know that science has proven this to be true? Well this is true. Science says that a smile can and yes even a forced smile can make you happier and relieve stress.

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Faith to me is believing in something that can’t be seen. It is believing that no matter what you are experiencing even if it seems like there is no resolve you know that there is and a solution will show up.

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Together We Can

I have the belief that we cannot grow alone but together we can. We need each other to do this. I don’t mean just in our work or relationship areas of life but in all areas of life and yes I mean all of us.

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Stress Relief

Five ways to release stress from the body

Did you know that when there is stress it is usually carried in our bodies somewhere? Not only that but it can create health issues and sometimes these issues can play a role in how we function daily in our lives.These issues can wreak havoc in our minds and our bodies if we let it or we can find ways to release the stress and incorporate these into our daily practice so we can live much more balanced lives.

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Intro to Healing with Crystals

This is an intro to healing with crystals. In this post we will go over what crystal healing is, a few crystals, some of the healing properties for those crystals, and a few ways that you can use the crystals in your life for healing yourself, others, and your environment.

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Can we live in peace together?

I say yes we can! I think this is what most people want. Yes most people want this but how many are willing to put in the time and effort that this may take to get there. I do believe it is a large task and it will take each and every one of us but I do believe it is possible.

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Everything is Vibration

Today I am thinking about vibration. Everything is vibration. Do we really know what that means? Everyone and everything vibrates at it’s own level. Let’s take a look at the Law of Vibration.

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What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is using the flow of universal energy to unblock and balance our energy bodies. As a result this promotes relaxation and healing in the body.

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